T-Rex Noises

Tyrannosaurus Rex

The Tyrannosaurus Rex (commonly referred to as T-Rex) is one of the most popular dinosaurs in the world. One of the largest carnivores of all time, the T-Rex lived in North America in the late Cretaceous Period, from 84 - 66 million years ago.

The most common depiction of the dinosaur in popular media comes from the film series 'Jurassic Park'.

Jurassic World: Evolution

The above footage was recorded from the 2018 video game Jurassic World: Evolution. This T-Rex is being released into its paddock, roaring as it steps into its new domain.

The dinosaur's roar from 'Jurassic Park' is a combination of many animal noises, such as a baby elephant's squeal, tiger's snarl, and alligator's gurgling.
Scientists are unsure of exactly what Tyrannosaurus sounded like, but through scans of fossilized skulls and comparisons to living relatives (birds) guesses can be made.

Click the audio clip below to hear another version of what the T-Rex may have sounded like:

The T-Rex is an iconic dinosaur with many well known depictions, but what it really sounded like is still a mystery.